
Print Book

Make a hardcover, paperback, coil bound, or saddle stitch book. Create your book using a wide range of paper, color, trim size and binding options. The most common print-on-demand book, perfect for a variety of projects.

Photo Book

Preserve memories or create a lookbook of your work with a hardcover photo book. Featuring the highest quality paper and rich color ink, our photo book products highlight the best of Lulu’s print options.


Create a custom notebook, journal, or planner with our preformatted templates. Or design your own unique notebook for yourself or to sell to your fans.

Wall Calendar

Create a 12 to 18-month wall calendar with our free calendar tool. Upload images and create custom holidays and events to build your calendar or upload an original calendar design.

Comic Book or Graphic Novel

Traditional comic book size with paperback binding or graphic novels. Bring your art to life with printing in black & white or rich color, including on the inside of the cover.


Create beautiful magazines in full color. Features paper stock designed for magazines, paperback binding and printing on the inside covers.


Share your favorite recipes with a cookbook with Lulu’s print-on-demand. High-quality ink and paper options will have your recipes looking as good as they taste!


For schools and institutions, a print-on-demand yearbook means flexibility and customization while saving money. Enjoy the best printing and binding at a fraction of the cost.


Create an ebook from your PDF, DOCX, or EPUB file ready for viewing on an ereader, tablet, or smartphone.

Pocket Book4.25 x 6.875 in | 108 x 175 mm

Share your favorite recipes with a cookbook with Lulu’s print-on-demand. High-quality ink and paper options will have your recipes looking as good as they taste!


Share your favorite recipes with a cookbook with Lulu’s print-on-demand. High-quality ink and paper options will have your recipes looking as good as they taste!


Share your favorite recipes with a cookbook with Lulu’s print-on-demand. High-quality ink and paper options will have your recipes looking as good as they taste!


Share your favorite recipes with a cookbook with Lulu’s print-on-demand. High-quality ink and paper options will have your recipes looking as good as they taste!